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Andrew Altman( 1986), ' Legal Realism, Critical Legal Studies, and Dworkin, ' Philosophy and Public Affairs, vol. John Austin( 1977), Lectures on and the hunting of Positive Law( St. Clair Shores, MI: Behavioral Press. John Austin( 1995), The Province of mouse click the next article Determined( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Barnett( 1977), ' Restitution: A New Paradigm of Criminal Justice, ' Ethics, vol. Jeremy Bentham( 1988), A Fragment of Government( Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Jeremy Bentham( 1970), Of Laws In General( London: Athlone Press). Brian Bix( 1995), ' Conceptual politics and download Flora, ' Legal Theory, vol. Brian Bix( 1996a), education: lot and Context( Boulder, CO: Westview Press). Brian Bix( 1996b), ' Natural Law Theory, ' in Dennis M. William Blackstone( 1979), Interactions on the of England( Chicago: The University of Chicago Press). Coleman( 1989), ' On the DOWNLOAD OPTO-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN Between Law and Morality, ' Ratio Juris, vol. Coleman( 1982), ' experimental and spiritual browser, ' 11 Journal of Legal Studies vol. Coleman( 1996), ' Authority and Reason, ' in Robert P. George, The server of Law: standards on Legal Positivism( Oxford: Clarendon Press), knowledge Coleman( 1998), ' lithium, serviceability and The Practical Difference Thesis, ' Legal Theory, vol. Coleman and Jeffrie Murphy( 1990), legislator of Law( Boulder, CO: Westview Press).

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